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博彩预测 INDEX
score 1 0 2 tip
22.11 Charlotte HornetsDetroit Pistons 110 : 11341 %7 %52 %2-5.7
22.11 Toronto RaptorsMinnesota Timberwolves 111 : 11932 %6 %61 %2-15.8
22.11 San Antonio SpursUtah Jazz 115 : 10762 %6 %32 %116.5
22.11 Los Angeles LakersOrlando Magic 110 : 11244 %7 %49 %2-3.1
23.11 Philadelphia 76ersBrooklyn Nets 107 : 11336 %6 %58 %2-11.7
23.11 Washington WizzardsBoston Celtics 108 : 12516 %5 %79 %2-34.4
23.11 Milwaukee BucksIndiana Pacers 114 : 11250 %7 %43 %13.6
23.11 Chicago BullsAtlanta Hawks 118 : 11847 %7 %46 %10.4
23.11 Houston RocketsPortland Trailblazers 117 : 10471 %6 %23 %126.1
23.11 New Orleans PelicansGolden State Warriors 104 : 11919 %5 %75 %2-30.6
23.11 Denver NuggetsDallas Mavericks 115 : 11349 %7 %44 %13.2
23.11 Los Angeles ClippersSacramento Kings 113 : 11151 %7 %42 %14.6
23.11 Utah JazzNew York Knicks 110 : 11930 %6 %64 %2-18.5 Open an account with bet365 today.

总额 主场 客场  
1. Cleveland Cavaliers 17 16 1 2100 1891 9 0 1124 991 100% 7 1 976 900 88% -16.1 94%
2. Boston Celtics 15 12 3 1823 1676 5 2 833 796 71% 7 1 990 880 88% -12.4 80%
3. Golden State Warriors 14 11 3 1674 1528 5 1 695 639 83% 6 2 979 889 75% -10.4 79%
4. Oklahoma City Thunder 16 12 4 1828 1658 8 2 1144 1036 80% 4 2 684 622 67% -18.5 75%
5. Los Angeles Lakers 14 10 4 1642 1624 7 0 855 796 100% 3 4 787 828 43% -12.6 71%
6. Houston Rockets 16 11 5 1834 1699 7 2 1063 954 78% 4 3 771 745 57% -16.7 69%
7. Denver Nuggets 13 8 5 1515 1496 5 2 822 797 71% 3 3 693 699 50% -12.8 62%
8. New York Knicks 15 9 6 1774 1678 5 2 838 758 71% 4 4 936 920 50% -12.8 60%
9. Minnesota Timberwolves 14 8 6 1594 1555 5 2 800 744 71% 3 4 794 811 43% -12.9 57%
10. Memphis Grizzlies 16 9 7 1903 1801 6 3 1066 996 67% 3 4 837 805 43% -16.9 56%
11. Orlando Magic 16 9 7 1696 1637 7 0 777 663 100% 2 7 919 974 22% -12.8 56%
12. Los Angeles Clippers 16 9 7 1742 1730 6 4 1079 1054 60% 3 3 663 676 50% -18.9 56%
13. Phoenix Suns 16 9 7 1793 1832 5 3 898 906 63% 4 4 895 926 50% -14.9 56%
14. Dallas Mavericks 15 8 7 1734 1639 6 3 1041 935 67% 2 4 693 704 33% -17.0 53%
15. Sacramento Kings 15 8 7 1753 1706 4 4 928 889 50% 4 3 825 817 57% -14.9 53%
16. San Antonio Spurs 15 7 8 1636 1644 6 3 1031 981 67% 1 5 605 663 17% -17.2 47%
17. Indiana Pacers 15 7 8 1692 1749 5 1 707 689 83% 2 7 985 1060 22% -10.9 47%
18. Miami Heat 13 6 7 1442 1431 2 3 526 530 40% 4 4 916 901 50% -9.1 46%
19. Detroit Pistons 16 7 9 1756 1775 3 5 896 935 38% 4 4 860 840 50% -15.1 44%
20. Atlanta Hawks 16 7 9 1839 1913 4 4 935 961 50% 3 5 904 952 38% -15.1 44%
21. Milwaukee Bucks 15 6 9 1669 1687 5 3 914 875 63% 1 6 755 812 14% -15.2 40%
22. Brooklyn Nets 15 6 9 1675 1720 4 3 802 822 57% 2 6 873 898 25% -13.2 40%
23. Portland Trailblazers 15 6 9 1602 1707 4 4 877 934 50% 2 5 725 773 29% -15.2 40%
24. Chicago Bulls 16 6 10 1846 1966 1 5 662 745 17% 5 5 1184 1221 50% -11.3 38%
25. Charlotte Hornets 14 5 9 1528 1597 4 3 782 788 57% 1 6 746 809 14% -13.3 36%
26. New Orleans Pelicans 16 4 12 1656 1846 3 5 886 909 38% 1 7 770 937 13% -15.5 25%
27. Utah Jazz 14 3 11 1512 1664 1 5 621 705 17% 2 6 891 959 25% -11.6 21%
28. Toronto Raptors 15 3 12 1705 1793 3 4 827 847 43% 0 8 878 946 0% -13.6 20%
29. Washington Wizzards 13 2 11 1428 1621 1 5 664 744 17% 1 6 764 877 14% -11.7 15%
30. Philadelphia 76ers 14 1 13 1427 1555 1 5 623 683 17% 0 8 804 872 0% -11.8 7%
主场比赛 主场
1. Golden State Warriors 6 5 1 695 639 83%
2. Indiana Pacers 6 5 1 707 689 83%
3. Oklahoma City Thunder 10 8 2 1144 1036 80%
4. Houston Rockets 9 7 2 1063 954 78%
5. Boston Celtics 7 5 2 833 796 71%
6. New York Knicks 7 5 2 838 758 71%
7. Minnesota Timberwolves 7 5 2 800 744 71%
8. Denver Nuggets 7 5 2 822 797 71%
9. Memphis Grizzlies 9 6 3 1066 996 67%
10. Dallas Mavericks 9 6 3 1041 935 67%
11. San Antonio Spurs 9 6 3 1031 981 67%
12. Milwaukee Bucks 8 5 3 914 875 63%
13. Phoenix Suns 8 5 3 898 906 63%
14. Los Angeles Clippers 10 6 4 1079 1054 60%
15. Brooklyn Nets 7 4 3 802 822 57%
16. Charlotte Hornets 7 4 3 782 788 57%
17. Sacramento Kings 8 4 4 928 889 50%
18. Atlanta Hawks 8 4 4 935 961 50%
19. Portland Trailblazers 8 4 4 877 934 50%
20. Toronto Raptors 7 3 4 827 847 43%
21. Miami Heat 5 2 3 526 530 40%
22. Detroit Pistons 8 3 5 896 935 38%
23. New Orleans Pelicans 8 3 5 886 909 38%
24. Chicago Bulls 6 1 5 662 745 17%
25. Philadelphia 76ers 6 1 5 623 683 17%
26. Utah Jazz 6 1 5 621 705 17%
27. Washington Wizzards 6 1 5 664 744 17%
28. Cleveland Cavaliers 9 9 0 1124 991 100%
29. Orlando Magic 7 7 0 777 663 100%
30. Los Angeles Lakers 7 7 0 855 796 100%
客场比赛 客场
1. Cleveland Cavaliers 8 7 1 976 900 88%
2. Boston Celtics 8 7 1 990 880 88%
3. Golden State Warriors 8 6 2 979 889 75%
4. Oklahoma City Thunder 6 4 2 684 622 67%
5. Houston Rockets 7 4 3 771 745 57%
6. Sacramento Kings 7 4 3 825 817 57%
7. New York Knicks 8 4 4 936 920 50%
8. Denver Nuggets 6 3 3 693 699 50%
9. Los Angeles Clippers 6 3 3 663 676 50%
10. Miami Heat 8 4 4 916 901 50%
11. Detroit Pistons 8 4 4 860 840 50%
12. Phoenix Suns 8 4 4 895 926 50%
13. Chicago Bulls 10 5 5 1184 1221 50%
14. Memphis Grizzlies 7 3 4 837 805 43%
15. Minnesota Timberwolves 7 3 4 794 811 43%
16. Los Angeles Lakers 7 3 4 787 828 43%
17. Atlanta Hawks 8 3 5 904 952 38%
18. Dallas Mavericks 6 2 4 693 704 33%
19. Portland Trailblazers 7 2 5 725 773 29%
20. Brooklyn Nets 8 2 6 873 898 25%
21. Utah Jazz 8 2 6 891 959 25%
22. Orlando Magic 9 2 7 919 974 22%
23. Indiana Pacers 9 2 7 985 1060 22%
24. San Antonio Spurs 6 1 5 605 663 17%
25. Milwaukee Bucks 7 1 6 755 812 14%
26. Charlotte Hornets 7 1 6 746 809 14%
27. Washington Wizzards 7 1 6 764 877 14%
28. New Orleans Pelicans 8 1 7 770 937 13%
29. Toronto Raptors 8 0 8 878 946 0%
30. Philadelphia 76ers 8 0 8 804 872 0%